The code and everything related to is owned and copyrighted by Karl Loftus, father of Ryan, Leah, Whitneyleigh, and Jake
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Outcome In Love:How To Find A Business Bank Account Manager?

Outcome In Love

*Copyright © karl loftus RLWJ . All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of the pictures on this page and site is strictly prohibited. Legal action may be taken against copyright infringement. # Outcome In Love

The code and everything related to is owned and copyright by me, Karl Loftus, father of Ryan, Leah, Whitney-Leigh, and Jake
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Quest for the Elusive Business Bank Account Manager

Hi Community, It’s Karl here, bringing you some exciting updates from our “Where is the business bank account manager” Trilogy. Do you remember my previous “How To Find A Business Bank Account Manager?” blogs ?. We got ranked by Google. One of our blogs is now competing with 770 million other bank-related pages on Google. If you do a bit of research (DYOR) on this, you could be surprised to see where our Wirral blog site competes with the banks : ) Well done to the team for achieving this! You have put so much time into the paper and the banks; let’s hope we all finish with a thanks ; ).
The code and everything related to is owned and copyright by me, Karl Loftus, father of Ryan, Leah, Whitney-Leigh, and Jake
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My Personal Experience with Banks: Outcome In Love

Today, I sensed for the first time that my own bank was growing frustrated with my repeated visits, always inquiring, “Where is the business bank account manager?” Today, there were 2 managers that were very nice to me from different banks; one was my own bank. After I told them what me and my team have achieved on Google, she understood why I had to tell her the news : ) It is my own bank of a long time that has helped me out most of all with clear face-to-face interaction. They basically said “show me the money,” so now, at least we have a goal to achieve from the banks!.
Outcome In Love
The code and everything related to is owned and copyright by me, Karl Loftus, father of Ryan, Leah, Whitney-Leigh, and Jake
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The Importance of Community Engagement in Banking

Interesting fact: the only bank was my own bank to give me and my business a clear answer. Point being: they are not even a business-oriented bank. I don’t even think they have a business department at all, but they know my circumstances and have always been labelled as a community bank since the ’90s. Right now, it is only this bank that is trying to help the community. When I am talking to all the managers for over 8 months now, I can see straight away whether they care for the community or they just don’t give a….
The code and everything related to is owned and copyright by me, Karl Loftus, father of Ryan, Leah, Whitney-Leigh, and Jake
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Outcome In Love, Community Visions?

The managers today had serenity in their eyes. It was amazing to feel their emotions when I am telling them my ideas to get our community back on track. I have spoken about honesty in the eyes, but when I feel the serenity and adoration in a bank manager’s eyes or anyone I tell my ideas to, again, priceless : ).
Outcome In Love
The code and everything related to is owned and copyright by me, Karl Loftus, father of Ryan, Leah, Whitney-Leigh, and Jake
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Silver Surfers and Their Banking Quest

Today I visited every bank in town. Once again, on the elusive search for a business bank account manager, I never found one. While I was there, I observed something intriguing. I sat in various banks for 5 hours and here’s a little observation I picked up: just look around in the bank! I’m almost certain, about 99.99% sure, that you will see a Silver Surfer approaching a bank staff member for help with a technological device..
The code and everything related to is owned and copyright by me, Karl Loftus, father of Ryan, Leah, Whitney-Leigh, and Jake
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A familiar scene unfolds:

Silver Surfers approach the counter, saying, “Cash this cheque, please.” With a touchpad in hand, the bank manager quickly responds, swiftly assists, saying “let me do that for you kind sir.” It struck me then: this is how knowledge gets exchanged, right here in the bank. Yet, there’s a missed opportunity. Instead of perpetually assisting the Silver Surfer, we should empower them by teaching. In doing so, we not only foster independence but also pave the way for them to share their invaluable wisdom and experiences..
The code and everything related to is owned and copyright by me, Karl Loftus, father of Ryan, Leah, Whitney-Leigh, and Jake
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Will We Ever Find The Elusive Business Bank Account Manager? I Really Don’t Know On This One?

An Interesting Conversation I Might Have Heard After Hundreds Of Hours At The Banks :
  • SILVER SURFER: (with enthusiasm) “Hey, I have an idea that’s taken me 90 years to master. None of my friends are around any longer, and I never had kids to share it with… but, I believe this idea can change the world. Could you arrange a meeting with the business bank account manager for me? I’d never use the internet or phone, you see. It’s a bit beyond my time.”

  • BANK MANAGER: (apologetically) “I’m sorry, but our policy requires you to either phone up or use the internet to schedule an appointment with the manager.”

  • SILVER SURFER: (a touch bemazed) “Oh, I see. It’s just… this bank has been a part of my life for so long. Nowadays, it’s one of the few human interactions I have. The ladies at my branch are just wonderful – always witty and spirited, even at their age.” (he winks)

  • BANK MANAGER: (sympathetically) “I understand. Do you perhaps have someone who can assist you with the call or internet? A neighbour or a friend?”

  • SILVER SURFER: (softly, with a hint of sadness) “No. Like I mentioned earlier, the bank is one of the only interactions I have left.”

“Humans are inherently social beings. While we adapt and embrace new ways of communication, the foundation of human interaction remains rooted in face-to-face connection.”
The code and everything related to is owned and copyright by me, Karl Loftus, father of Ryan, Leah, Whitney-Leigh, and Jake
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How Our Unified Goal Can Help

We need to come together and find a common goal to move forward. We need to be the leaders of our own future and not wait for someone else to make the decisions for us. It’s time we step up and make a change for the betterment of all. We have the power, the knowledge, and the determination to make a positive impact on our community and the world. Let’s use it for a Outcome In Love!
Outcome In Love
The code and everything related to is owned and copyright by me, Karl Loftus, father of Ryan, Leah, Whitney-Leigh, and Jake
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My Disclaimer

This is my Opinion Blog from me, karl loftus RLWJ, to document a time in history from my own story and perspective.Outcome In Love, As far as it goes for me personally on this blog : I have done it ! I have established an internet platform, That just got a very high rating against virtually “every bank in the world” : With regards to the banks and, that hard to find business bank account manager … They can follow Our Wirral Community now. We don’t need the ” business bank account manager ” after all ! We got this far without them ha : )


Let’s Go!!!

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